Sunday, June 3, 2012

School's Out for the Summer!

School is out and Isaiah racked up this year! He was awarded in the Young Author's fair with the Young Author's Award. He had Star Roll all year (straight As); the highest grade in his class in Math, Reading, Social Studies and Science; third place for his grade with Accelerated Reader # of words read; and he got the Good Citizenship award for his grade.  My kid is amazing. 

And then there's Sammy...
They are doing the drawing on June 7th and we will see if Sammy gets in Pre-K. Then that will open a whole new worry for me.  How Sammy with manage his PHE intake at school without me watching over every bite. Definitely not looking forward to that.

This summer is going to be full of reading, doctor and dentist appointments ... and hopefully some fun thrown in.