Sunday, November 25, 2012

it's beginning to look a lot like...

I SUCK at this blogging thing nowadays! Mercy, the last time I wrote was 6 months ago!

Let's see, Isaiah got the brackets put on his teeth like a trooper and goes to see Dr. Gill once a month while we wait and see how his teeth straighten out. He's in the fourth grade now and has already gotten star roll this year, been inducted into the National Elementary Honor Society and had a pizza party for being an awesome, upstanding  student.

Sammy didn't get into WCS pre-k at first so we enrolled him in the WeeTeach Academy's pre-k (aka the blue school). His teachers were awesome and the school was great. The only problem was the director wasn't truthful with me, so when a spot opened up at Isaiah's school, we jumped for it. His teacher's at Gilbert (aka the crocodile school) are great too. And I'm glad he is at the same school as Isaiah. He's doing well, except he "can't keep his hands to himself." We have a 504 plan for him, so his diet is taken care of and we generally don't have to worry about him having something he shouldn't.

My dad has dealt with some serious sickness in the last few months and has had 4 surgeries on his foot. He's lost a good 30-40 lbs and his insulin has dropped some too. He still has to have a double bypass surgery when he is done healing from the foot surgery.

Kenny went to China in October, for 2 weeks. THAT was a pretty horrendous time. But we survived it :)

I am on the last month of my 6 month medically supervised insurance required diet. It's been rough. Since I was referred back in February I have had additional diagnoses. In addition to obesity and Hypothyroidism; I have Sleep Apnea, Hypertension, High Cholesterol and Hypoglycemia. I'm on 5 medications. As soon as I see Dr. Wilson in December, I will fax my forms to the surgeon, plan one more visit with them and then it's the waiting game to see when surgery is. I had my nutrition class and mental health eval. <-- that was pure hell. Ohmygoodness, I relived everything that has ever happened to me, good or horrible. Whew. glad it's over.

I guess that sums it all up, maybe I can get better about coming here and writing :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

School's Out for the Summer!

School is out and Isaiah racked up this year! He was awarded in the Young Author's fair with the Young Author's Award. He had Star Roll all year (straight As); the highest grade in his class in Math, Reading, Social Studies and Science; third place for his grade with Accelerated Reader # of words read; and he got the Good Citizenship award for his grade.  My kid is amazing. 

And then there's Sammy...
They are doing the drawing on June 7th and we will see if Sammy gets in Pre-K. Then that will open a whole new worry for me.  How Sammy with manage his PHE intake at school without me watching over every bite. Definitely not looking forward to that.

This summer is going to be full of reading, doctor and dentist appointments ... and hopefully some fun thrown in.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

i really need to be here more.

I don't write nearly enough here. ::frowns::
In February I was referred to a gastric bypass surgeon. I really have mixed emotions about this. I KNOW that I need to get healthy and this will be the gateway to getting me there, but at the same time I am terrified for so many reasons. The biggest being complications or death. I pray everyday that the Lord give me peace about this, but the devil creeps back in. I'm so grateful that I have so many friends and family members that support me.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

How do women keep up??

Goodness! It's been almost 4 months since I've last posted.  I got a new sewing machine for Christmas and have put a lot of hours in on it.  I've made: 4 large zippered pillow covers, many peepee teepees, a breast feeding cape for a gift, change purse and now I am working on making a table runner and some place mats.  In the mean time I am trying to keep up with my family, my Scentsy business (I just signed my second recruit!) and my full time job - where I just got promoted to Assistant Head Teller.  How on Earth do women keep up with everything, blog, social network, PINTEREST and then their actual LIVES?