Here were are. 2013. Whodathunkit?
So, 2012, let's re-cap.
Isaiah ended third grade (with Star roll - straight As) and began fourth.. he also turned 10. He was inducted into the National Elementary Honor Society at his school.
Sammy turned 4 and went to pre-k at 2 different schools. He loved the blue school, but it turned out Gilbert was better placement for us because of childcare and that sort of thing.
Kenny went to China & bought another house (for $5000 split down the middle) with his work wife, Tina.
I became Assistant Head Teller at my job. Diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and began the journey to weight loss surgery.
My Dad had 4 surgeries on his foot and contracted the C-diff virus, THREE times, then just before Christmas had his lower leg amputated.
Plans for 2013?
Be a better Christian. Read my Bible more. Attend church more. Just shine the light.
Have gastric bypass and lose all this weight - become healthier and more active with my family.
Take better care of my home.
Get our finances under control.
There really is more to add to it, as I am a perfectionist. However, as I was typing all of this I realized... I could plan all day, but ultimately that plan might not co-incide with God's plans for me. So we shall see :)